What Do We Expect?
This morning, I heard a story on NPR about the C Street Center, a place where some of the most notoriously "bad boy" fundamentalist Christians in congress live when they're in Washington. The Center's tax status is in question, because it doesn't actually perform any of the functions of a church, but claims to be a church for tax purposes. C Street is or was home to folks like South Carolina governor Mark Sanford of "Hiking the Appalachian Trail" infamy, Chip Pickering from Mississippi whose wife has filed an alienation of affection lawsuit against his mistress, and John Ensign who had an affair with a staffer. These three men are part of a growing number of fundamentalist Christian men who are better known for their philandering than their accomplishments. They range from these politicians to religious figures like Ted Haggard and even Jerry Falwell. What's up with this? Even if you're not bothered by the affairs, you have to be astounded at ...