
Showing posts from 2012

Election Night

Hi everyone, I was in Washington, DC last week on business, and had the privilege of being in Washington to watch the election results. We found a bar in the hip, up-and-coming 14th and U neighborhood that was having a watch party for like-minded folks.  MSNBC on all the televisions, but hundreds of noisy people making it impossible to listen.  We got there early for dinner and sat at a table with people we didn't know at the beginning of the evening, but were friends (at least, Facebook friends) by the end of the night. We chatted and waited for the election results to come in.  As the early results trickled in, each new blue state got cheers and applause, and each red state good natured booing (and laughter).  We all had US maps with red and blue crayons; some used them to make their predictions, others to follow and count electors. We expected to stay very late, then give up and take a cab home without knowing the result of the election.  I admit I was very afraid that shenaniga

Up to here.

OK... once in a while, I start feeling charitable toward the current crop of Republican Congressional representatives.  I start thinking to myself, "Well, they just have different ideas about how best to serve the country," or "Different world views, but of course they still want the best for everyone!" And then I come to my senses and realize that's a lot of bunk.  The current crop of Republicans in Congress care about only one thing:  Advancing their own political positions at the expense of Democrats. Today's proof came from John Boehner, proving again that he's got nothin' except to try to pretend Obama is failing. We had a great jobs report today.  The economy created more jobs in January than expected, and the numbers for November and December were revised upward.  And the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.3%, the lowest in three years.  It's good news.  It doesn't mean the economy has completely recovered, but it's very pos

Elizabeth Warren. Yeah.

Every time Elizabeth Warren opens her mouth she says something the world needs to hear. (Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating.  I guess we don't need to hear her coffee order, or her private conversations.  But when I hear her talking about our nation, about our economy, and about the social compact which underpins our society, it resonates for me in a way no politician has for a long, long time.) Professor Warren is like that fabulous teacher in high school or college.  I think we all had one:  The teacher you absolutely loved, whose class you would never miss no matter how sick you were, who made you look at the world in an entirely new way.  I listen to her and think, "This woman is smarter than I am."  I'll be honest -- I don't think that very often when I'm listening to someone running for office. Warren was on the Daily Show the other night.  (Yeah, I know, it's a comedy show -- and Jon Stewart has insightful, intelligent conversations with people.