Up to here.

OK... once in a while, I start feeling charitable toward the current crop of Republican Congressional representatives.  I start thinking to myself, "Well, they just have different ideas about how best to serve the country," or "Different world views, but of course they still want the best for everyone!"

And then I come to my senses and realize that's a lot of bunk.  The current crop of Republicans in Congress care about only one thing:  Advancing their own political positions at the expense of Democrats.

Today's proof came from John Boehner, proving again that he's got nothin' except to try to pretend Obama is failing.

We had a great jobs report today.  The economy created more jobs in January than expected, and the numbers for November and December were revised upward.  And the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.3%, the lowest in three years.  It's good news.  It doesn't mean the economy has completely recovered, but it's very positive progress.

So what did John Boehner have to say about it?  "“There are flickers of hope in our recovery and certainly they’re welcome.  But the American people were promised by the president that unemployment would not exceed 8 percent. And here we are 36 straight months with unemployment over 8 percent.”

Of course, he didn't mention that, had Republicans not completely watered down or shot down every effort at economic stimulus (turning "stimulus" into a bad word -- how do they do that?) for the last several years, it would be even better.   The packages as proposed would have resulted in lower unemployment.  The packages as passed... well, we have what we have.

I'm tired of seeing the prosperity of our nation becoming so much collateral damage in the Republicans' war to ruin a president they don't like.  Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, and their cronies have to go.  Time to go make a donation to the DCCC.


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